Build yourself to wealth

The online digital money guide that puts your financial plan in your pocket.

Obie, shows you a detailed breakdown of all your money along
with expert advice on how to reach your goals. No financial shaming, just handy strategies to improve the health of your wealth.

Budget like a barefoot

With Obie, you’ll get a detailed budget breakdown along with expert advice on how to meet your goals. No financial shaming, just handy strategies to improve the health of your wealth.

Woman cuddling pet

Build a reliable safety net

Whether it’s an accident or an unexpected vet bill, life can take you by surprise. Obie shows you how to plan for life’s twists and turns while continuing to meet your savings goals.

Smiling person

Savings in seconds

Whether your savings goal is a dream vacation, an emergency fund, or buying your first home, Obie is perfect for you. Embedded automation tools show you how to optimise your savings every step of the way. Go from goal-setter to goal-getter.

“Budgeting makes sense with Obie. It is such a clear way to get more from my money. I love the layout and how it makes me think!”

— Shyaire G.

Join Obie today!

Obie exists to empower people to achieve financial freedom.

First we build a complete picture of your entire financial universe, bringing together all nine pillars of successful financial management in one simple and easy-to-use tool.

Our curated learning content brings together the best and most relevant guidance to support you on each stage of your journey to financial freedom, while our tools and guides take away the hard work - leaving you to do little other than decide where to improve your financial future next.