In January 2025 Obiemoney will be released as a beta version for testing. We will be offering early subscribers Lifetime Access for A$49.99. As an early subscriber you will receive full access to all beta features and future updates forever, while also getting the chance to contribute to Obiemoney, and help us create your personal super wealth app. At each release stage, the Lifetime Access price will increase until we are ready to release Obiemoney in the app store as a monthly subscription.
Beta version in browser.
App Store release scheduled April 2025.
Obie Release Schedule
Over the coming weeks, Obie will be unlocking more features app for beta testing. Our Lifetime Access price will increase at each stage of development until we are ready for launch on the app store. By becoming an Early Lifetime Access member of Obie you will get full, unlimited access to all beta release features and to all future versions of the app once it has been released.
March ‘25
Beta launch.
Testing: concept functionality, budgeting, debt-free calculator, insurance dashboard, wealth check and expense tracking.
Early Lifetime Access
June ‘25
Testing: opening banking integration, categorise expenses, personal budget insights, credit scores, partner offers, additional calculators, upgraded dashboard design and features.
Lifetime Access
November ‘25
App Store release.
Updated design and functionality.
Monthly Subscription